Friday, November 20, 2009

Questions for an interview

1 Do you think that the USA should spend more than thier printing like they do now?

2 How does this this affect you?

3 If you could change the problem,how would do it?

4 Do you think moving out of the USA would help you save money?

5 Do you think that president Obama can stop this problem?

6 What is the best thing we can do?

7 Who can stop this problem?

8 What can children do?Should they continue to go to school?

9 Can people afford to move?

10 Will going to war like we did during the great deprssion help this problem?

Friday, November 13, 2009

If I could interview any two people for my feature article they would be a resident of the United states of America because it would be best for me to interview a person that knows whats going on in America. I would also interview a person of any other continent because I would like to know how they feel about the actions that take place in America. I could find this information at and free rice. com. Both websites tell of the problems the USA has and other countries

Monday, November 9, 2009

I have once went to a family gathering and I noticed how behaved everyone was, including the children!Every one was sharing , hugging, and having a good time,now you dont see that everyday!Even the people who were not enjoying themselves were not going to ruin any body`s fun.I was not happy that some peple couldn`t go to the beach for certain a reason,but they were still happy that other people were enjoying themselves.when there was a fight near by every body else except my famil .The adults respectfully approached the teenagers who were fighting and gave them a short lecture about loving one another.I have never seen people act so kind, I wish that could happen all over the world.